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Bachelor in Theatre

Acting branch

The three-year Theatre Acting branch BA program aims to achieve the acquisition of the basic tools, skills, artistic insights and theoretical knowledge considered essential for a professional actor.

This program has its roots in the tradition of the National Conservatoire since the 19th Century, but has established a privileged relation with the contemporary performative arts.  This means that we try to cover fundamental moments from the practice and history of theatre, stressing a multifaceted technical education utilizing several methods drawn from the Naturalism, Symbolism and 20th Century Vanguard movements until  the most recent procedures in the context of performative arts and performance.  This also is true in the context of texts used.

The prestige of the Theatre - Acting Program of the Department of Theatre of the ESTC is nationally and internationally recognized and its students receive professional acknowledgement.

The Department of Theatre has several protocols with historical theatres in Lisbon where the students are able to perform their projects in a professional context, for instance, at the National Theatre D. Maria II, Teatro Taborda, Teatro Maria Matos, etc.

*all courses are taught in Portuguese.



Stage Design branch

The Graduation in Theatre-branch Design of Cena (Cenography and Figurines) promotes training and research around the plasticity of the scene.

Apposed in laboratory work, in reflection and creation as fundamentals of artistic practice and endows students with technical and operative knowledge that enable them to develop projects autonomously and to find their languages and interests.

It works, essentially, for and with the areas of the Theatre and the remaining Performative Arts but opens up to Cinema, Television and Plastic Arts.

Integrates Curriculum and Figurines Project curricular units, theories, props, sewing, lighting, Graphic Software, Marionets and Animated Forms, Maquilage and Characterization, among others.

*all courses are taught in Portuguese.



Production and Management branch

The three-year Theatre - Production and Management course tries to create the necessary conditions to form skilled professionals in the field of technical/practical procedures in theatre and production management.

This encompasses an extensive education based in theatre theory, management, public relations, marketing, cultural management, law, stage techniques, light and sound engineering.

The idea is to stress that a modern professional in production has not only the capability for understanding the financial and programming demands of theatrical action or activity, but also an artistic and institutional insight regarding the programming those activities.

*all courses are taught in Portuguese.