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"Coriolan" based on the work of William Shakespeare

Data do evento
30 de June de 2021 - 1 de July de 2021
12:00 - 16:00
Room 107 / Room 108
ESTC Theatre Department
For security reasons, the presentations of the 2º-year exercises are restricted to the academic community.


Turma C2

Distribution of Personages per act


Márcio- Mariana from Ó

Menenium- Maria Inches

Cominium- Francisca Fernandes

Gross- Laura Mendonça

Volhumnia- Vicente Gil

Virgilia- Marco Augusto

Valeria- Laura Mendonça

Auphidius- Andreia Simões

Dama Romana- Maria Inês

Senator Volsco- Marco Augusto

Citizen Romano 1- Marco Augusto

Citizen Romano 2- Vicente Gil


Márcio- Laura Mendonça

Menenium- Francisca Fernandes

Cominium- Ana Calvete

Gross- Andreia Simões

Volhumnia- Marco Augusto

Virgilia- Vicente Gil

Valeria- Maria Inês

Official 1- Andreia Simões

Citizen Romano 1- Andreia Simões

Citizen Romano 2- Maria Inês

Citizen Romano 3- Vicente Gil


Márcio- Maria Inderal

Menenium + Cominium- Laura Mendonça

Gross- Ana Calvete

Volhumnia- Andreia Simões

Senator R/Patricio- Laura Mendonça

Edil- Vicente Gil

Citizen Romano 1-  Marco Augusto

Romano Citizen 2- Francisca Fernandes + Vicente Gil


Márcio- Marco Augusto

Menenium- Andreia Simões

Gross- Maria Inês

Volhumnia- Laura Mendonça

Virgilia- Francisca Fernandes

Auphidius- Vicente Gil

Nicanor Romano- Ana Calvete

Adriano Volsco- Maria Inês

Citizen Volsco- Laura Mendonça

Created Volsco 1- Ana Calvete

Created Volsco 2- Andreia Simões

Created Volsco 3- Francisca Fernandes


Márcio- Vicente

Menenium - Laura Mendonça

Volhumnia- Francisca Fernandes

Virgilia and Valeria- Andreia Simões

Auicide- Marco Augusto

Conspirator Volsco 1- Ana Calvete

Conspirator Volsco 2- Maria Inês

Sentinel Volsco 1- Ana Calvete

Sentinela Volsco 2- Maria Inderal

Soldier Volsco 1- Ana Calvete

Soldier Volsco 2-  Maria Inês

Texts of the Ramos

The work that now presents itself stems from encounters and encounters at a crossroads: exploring aspect related to the interpretation of the isabelino text and performing an exercise with spectacle ambition.  The Tragedy of Coriolan , by William Shakespeare, was the material I proposed to make the crossing by a dramatic universe, in which the poetic language reveals breathtaking challenges to the work of the actors: beyond the development of the narrative and the tessitura of the characters, the dimension of the themes, the profusion of the images, the complex organization of the syntax. Making with this that was one of the last pieces of the English author the montage of a celebrated exercise, without too much dramatic interventions in the translation of Manuel Resende, integrating the different branches of the Graduate Degree into Theatre and in the grinding context of public health we live in, crossed the path of increased challenges. It is therefore a kind of travel reporting; and only with one foot already on land-the other one swinging still amid the waves-, a few hours away from we invite you to listen to us, here are these words about what might be coming to find. Save, good citizens! - APC

Despite our Cena Design class being separated into three different stage plays, we were more united than ever before. It was the first time that we saw our projects take shape and keep track of each other's process made us perceive different possible paths, learn to work with new materials, realize the times and prices that each element may have, among many others. We always support each other and our teachers motivate us every day with a smile on their face, with a willingness to work with us. For the play "Coriolano", we stayed with a room other than the others, which gave us the opportunity to deconstruct a stage in order to build it and so we created a spectacle room. This project has walked many different rails until it comes to its final aspect, always in return with the encenitor. The result impressed us, for even with all the variations of ideas, we noticed that there was a line that was followed from the first conversation with the team.  - Cena Design Team

I can characterize the process of the spectacle "The Coriolano" as a unique challenge, full of turns and contravoltas that, certainly, will mark this walk that is the Theatre Licentiature. It was a moment in which I could put into practice the knowledge acquired in the last two years; however, it was also a moment of personal learning within the framework of the relationships between branches, conflict management and teamwork. - Diogo Zózimo


Guidance and Adaptation -Alexandre Calado

Based on the work of William Shakespeare

Translation- Manuel Resende

Ramo of Actors  - Andreia Simões, Francisca Fernandes, Marco Augusto, Laura Mendonça, Maria Inês, Vicente Gil, Ana Calvete, Mariana do Ó

Figurines, Centers, Aderepes -Julia Junqueira and Mária Bombardelli

Drawing of Light- Diogo Zózimo

Video -Julia Junqueira

Operation of Light -Diogo Zózimo

Sound and video Operation -Julia Junqueira and Mária Bombardelli

Production -Diogo Zózimo


Pedagogical Team ESTC

Actors: Joao Henriques (voice), Peter Michael Dietz (body)

Design of Cena: João Calixto, Stéphane Alberto;

Production: Andreia Carneiro, Conceição Mendes, Miguel Cruz, Teresa Varela

ESTC Production Cabinet- Rute Reis ,Conception Costa


Thanks-  Miguel Mendes, Marta Semion, Sergio Joaquim, Rute reis, Catarina Fernandes, Beatriz Tinoco, Andrea Ebert, Ricardo Junqueira, Luiz Eduardo Lahutte Motta, Marina Andrade, Michele Mazzara, José Espada, João Leitão, Ana Miffon, Sofia Ramos


Turma C1

Distribution of Personages


Márcio- Mariana do Ó

Menenium- Carolina Parreira

Cominium- Filipe Pinto

Gross- Joao Fialho

Volhumnia- Rodrigo Antunes

Virgilia- Filipe Pinto

Valeria- Joao Fialho

Aufidius- Andreia Simões

Dama Romana- Maria Miguel Oliveira

Senator Volsco- Francisca Fernandes

Citizen Romano 1- Maria Miguel Oliveira

Citizen Romano 2- Francisca Fernandes


Márcio- Maria Miguel Oliveira

Menenium- Filipe Pinto

Cominium- Carolina Parreira

Gross- Andreia Simões

Volhumnia- Joao Fialho

Virgilia- Rodrigo Antunes

Official 1- Mariana do O

Citizen Romano 1- Mariana do Ó

Citizen Romano 2- Filipe Pinto

Citizen Romano 3- Rodrigo Antunes


Márcio- Carolina Parreira

Menenium- João Fialho

Cominius- Maria Miguel Oliveira

Gross- Mariana from Ó

Volhumnia- Andreia Simões

Romano Citizen 1-  Filipe Pinto

Romano Citizen 2- Rodrigo Antunes


Márcio- Joao Fialho

Menenium- Maria Miguel Oliveira

Gross- Rodrigo Antunes

Volmonia- Carolina Parreira

Virgilia- Filipe Pinto

Auicide- Filipe Pinto

Citizen Volsco- Filipe Pinto

Created Volsco 1- Mariana do Ó

Created Volsco 2- Maria Miguel Oliveira

Created Volsco 3- Francisca Fernandes


Márcio- Rodrigo Antunes

Menenium -Filipe Pinto

Volhumnia- Maria Miguel Oliveira

Virgilia- Andreia Simões

Valeria- Mariana do Ó

Auicide- Joao Fialho

Conspirator Volsco 1- Carolina Parreira

Conspirator Volsco 2- Mariana do Ó

Sentinel Volsco 1- Carolina Parreira

Sentinel Volsco 2- Mariana do Ó

Soldier Volsco 1- Carolina Parreira

Soldier Volsco 2- Mariana do Ó

Citizen Volsco- Filipe Pinto



Texts of theRamos

The work that now presents itself stems from encounters and encounters at a crossroads: exploring aspect related to the interpretation of the isabelino text and performing an exercise with spectacle ambition.  The Tragedy of Coriolano  (1605?), by William Shakespeare, was the material I proposed to make the crossing by a dramatic universe, in which the poetic language reveals breathtaking challenges to the work of the actors: in addition to the development of the narrative and the tessitura of the characters, the dimension of the themes, the profusion of the images, the complex organization of the syntax. Making with this that was one of the last pieces of the English author the montage of a celebrated exercise, without too much dramatic interventions in the translation of Manuel Resende, integrating the different branches of the Graduate Degree into Theatre and in the grinding context of public health we live in, crossed the path of increased challenges. It is therefore a kind of travel reporting; and only with one foot already on land-the other one swinging still amid the waves-, a few hours away from we invite you to listen to us, here are these words about what might be coming to find. Save, good citizens! - APC

Despite our Cena Design class being separated into three different stage plays, we were more united than ever before. It was the first time that we saw our projects take shape and keep track of each other's process made us perceive different possible paths, learn to work with new materials, realize the times and prices that each element may have, among many others. We always support each other and our teachers motivate us every day with a smile on their face, with a willingness to work with us. For the play "Coriolano", we stayed with a room other than the others, which gave us the opportunity to deconstruct a stage in order to build it and so we created a spectacle room. This project has walked many different rails until it comes to its final aspect, always in return with the encenitor. The result impressed us, for even with all the variations of ideas, we noticed that there was a line that was followed from the first conversation with the team.  - Cena Design Team

I can characterize the process of the spectacle "The Coriolan" as a unique challenge, full of twists and contravoltas that will certainly mark this walk that is the Theatre Licentiature. It was a moment in which I could put into practice the knowledge acquired in the last two years; however, it was also a moment of personal learning within the framework of the relationships between branches, conflict management and teamwork. - Diogo Zózimo




Orientation and Adaptation- Alexandre Calado

Based on the work of William Shakespeare

Translation- Manuel Resende

Actors ' branch- Rodrigo Antunes, Carolina Parreira, Francisca Fernandes, Andreia Simões, Filipe Pinto, Maria Miguel Oliveira, Mariana do Ó, João Fialho

Figurines, Cenography, Aderepes -Julia Junqueira and Mária Bombardelli

Drawing de Luz- Diogo Zózimo

 Creation of Video -Julia Junqueira

Operation of Light -Diogo Zózimo

Sound and video Operation -Julia Junqueira and Mária Bombardelli

Production -Diogo Zózimo



Pedagogical Team ESTC

Actors: Joao Henriques, Peter Michael Dietz

Design of Cena: João Calixto, Stéphane Alberto;

Production: Andreia Carneiro, Conceição Mendes, Miguel Cruz, Teresa Varela


ESTC Production Office- Rute Reis , Conceição Costa,


Thanks-  Miguel Mendes, Marta Semion, Sergio Joaquim, Rute reis, Catarina Fernandes, Beatriz Tinoco, Andrea Ebert, Ricardo Junqueira, Luiz Eduardo Lahutte Motta, Marina Andrade, Michele Mazzara, José Espada, João Leitão, Ana Miffon, Sofia Ramos