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THE FUTURISTIC FANTASY  is a contest aimed at dramaturgs of the Portuguese language and the main project the company draws to align with the celebrations of the 50 years of the April revolution. It aims to encourage / stimulate / valorize the creation of unprecedented theatrical texts in Language   Portuguese Will have several phases of implementation and some dose of unpredictability, as its second part depends on the quality of the texts produced, but it is also a theatrical editing project. It will still be, if possible, the project of assembling and presenting these texts on stage.



William Shakespeare is the greatest exponent and the greatest proof of the importance of dramaturgy in the consolidation of a language. We can summon also the trio of tragic Greeks, Ésquilo, Sophocles and Eurypeds as testimony to the foundation of Western poetic culture. If on this list we add Anton Tchekov, in Russia's passage from the Czars to the socialist model of the Soviet republics   or still Bertolt Brecht, in the passage of the revolution of quantum physics and audio-visual techniques,   the finding is that, since time immemorial, the playful writing has detested and anticipated the great social transformations that the world would come to suffer from.

The fiftieth anniversary of the April 25, as a basilar model of citizen revolution, is a landmark of the West. In this sense, it continues to be flag and horizon of utopias, humanities and solidarities. The Revolution of the Cravos represents also the refounding of a luster and the Fantasy Futurist program also honors the musicality of poetry, as a permanent password of other times.

The writer Valério Romão is the guest curator for the development of the written phase and has developed, at the invitation of the Theatron, a synopsis that part of the initial idea and which serves only from mote and provocation to writing. The playwrights who sign up will develop   a synopsis and will be   chosen the top five. The selected authors will earn   from a small creation grant, during the following six months, at the end of which they deliver the full texts.   The Theatron hopes that the results will allow for editing and staging of these texts in the coming years. The contest has a regulation, a jury and is carried out in partnership with the Camões Institute.

Contulates the regulation [pdf] of this contest and a promotion image of the same. Follows the link with the disclosure teaser and the sign-up form link

Form of Inscription