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Galargive Green Flag | eco-ESTC
The Superior School of Theatre and Cinema of the Polytechnic of Lisbon received for the second year the galarg…
Launch Magazine Doubles #12
The Dobra is a hybrid magazine, open to creation and research, of scientific, literary and artistic scope,…
New Plant'action in ESTC-IPL
On the past November 17, 2023, students, staff and faculty members of the School, with the support of the Gard…
Book: The 100 Best Plans in Cinema
The "100 Best Cinema Plans, 100 Authors, 100 Plans", arrived at the bookstores on November 16. Synopsis In an…
Video-performance "Kabece" by Aoaní Salvaterra and Joyce Souza
Premiere on November 19, at 15h30, in the room Mário Viegas, at the Municipal Theater São Luiz in Lisbon,…
Launch of the Amadora Cine Shows
Located in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, the municipality of Amadora prepares to receive "Launch of the Sho…
"Cinema by Democracy" Support program | 50 years of April 25
Are open until November 17 the applications to the "Cinema for Democracy" Support progra…
POD' Arte-podcast of Alumni ESTC
The newly-icenced Beatriz Abelha and Lara Santos (who finished the graduation in theater, production branch in…
Dance not dances-archeologies of the new dance in Portugal
The cycle of (re) performances, films and conversations, which constitutes the first axis of dance non-dance,…
Golden Globes for best stage play, "The Beach", cast / technical team ESTC
'The Beach' wins Golden Globes for Best Theatre Play, with scenery by Daniela Cardante, licensed in Theatre (…
PITCH ME! Convocation for emerging defendants
OPEN APPLICATIONS ee July 31 to September 7, 2023 The Portuguese Film Academy and Netflix announce the opening…
AAESTC Summer Courses-Open Enrollments
SUMMER COURSES Theatre Workshop | by Mónica Calle 18 a Sep 22 | 10h00-13h00 | ESTC | MAXIMUM: 15 partic…