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design cena

Clone of MA in Theatre | Stage Design

Clone of MA in Theatre | Stage Design

The Master’s degree in Theatre – Specialization in Scene Design aims to develop students’ ability to conceptualise and execute the scenic space (scenography) and the costumes, as well as understand its theoretical foundations.

The programme aims to deepen professional skills in scenography and costume design, by addressing scientific areas transversal to theatre and the performance arts – the plastic arts, design, architecture, multimedia, costume, lighting, among other areas – within a context of close bonds between theory and practice in which the specificities of each area are redirected towards the context of Scene Design.

The structure of the programme, which offers a number of optional curricular units, welcomes professionals, theatre graduates, as well as graduates from other areas of the visual arts who intend to acquire and update their skills, and develop projects autonomously or in partnership with existing structures.


Program coordinator | José Espada