Finding Voice | Voices of Voice in the Living Arts
Investigate the voice in creation processes, pedagogies, and performative practices
Period of enrollment of abstracts: 27/07 a 15/09 out of 2023
How to think the voice?
We can think of it as an air movement in the carnal cavity of the deep body. Or as an air passage that generates sound vibrations in the vocal pregas of the human body (and non-human). Or like air that passes through the throat hole to penetrate the ear and find the deep cavities of the other.
How can we think, then, the voice as a relation to the other? Or, following Cavarero, thinker, feminist and scholar of the voice, such as " ... fruity the listening of the 'vibration of a flesh throat'. Viva and Corporea, unique and irreproducible "?
In the arthystico-academic encounter" Voices of Voice in the Living Arts ", we propose to carry out an artistic and academic exchange of voice studies in the plan of the performing arts, in their poetic, ethical and political reaches. To do so, the encounter will bring together artists, researchers and professors, so that they can share their formative experiences, of the processes of creation and of the research within the framework of voice in the context of contemporary performative practices in theatre. It will seek, in this manner, to raise thoughts about modes and materials of experimentation and research in voice, which transform our making theatrical, evidenced to its procedural power, in permanent construction and which opens up passages to the vertiginous sensitive movement of being and intervening in the very dynamics of the world and life.
These are the ideas that mobilize our goals and affections for the meeting "Voices of Voice in the Living Arts" to be held at the Higher School of Theatre and Cinema of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon-ESTC during the days 3 and November 4, 2023.
To integrate the activity ongoing research panel, from the Voices of Voice meeting in the Living Arts, the organizing committee opens public call for master's and doctoral researchers, who are developing studies in the area of voice, to submit contributions that may expand the knowledge about the voice during the encounter. The polls should have a relationship with the following (not limited) themed ones:
-Voice and listen
-Performactivities of the voice
-Voice and philosophy
-Voice and its political brands
-Voice and decoloniality
-Voice and feminism
-Voice and body
-Voice and somatic education
-Voice, scene, and musicality.
The conditions of presenting the works are as follows:
-The texts must be original and unheard and will be exposed orally by their authors / those in presential form.
-The investigators dispose of 15 minutes for exhibition of the research.
-The sign-up form is available HERE >
-The release of the selected works will be done via email and is scheduled for 09/10/2023.
Higher School of Theatre and Cinema | Lisbon Polytechnic Institute
Institute of Culture and Art | Federal University of Ceará
Center for Research in Arts and Communication (CIAC) | University of Algarve